Elevate 76mm wide QuickSeam Splice tape - 7.62m roll - W56RAC1698

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Seaming tape. A full roll, 75mm wide x 7.5m long. Used for lap jointing of EPDM liner . Seam primer is required to prepare the surface of the liner prior to applying this product.

Also available as a short piece cut as one length and as a Roll of 30.4m long or as a convenient 7.5m QuickSeam Splice Tape Kit

Please watch the Instructional Videos below.

Seaming tape, 75mm wide x 7.5m long. Used for lap jointing of EPDM liner

Also available as a short piece cut as one length and as a Roll of 30.4m long or as a convenient 7.5m QuickSeam Splice Tape Kit.

Please note:

  • For correct application of this tape you must prepare the mating raw EPDM surfaces with QuickPrime Plus EPDM Seam Primer applied with a Scotchbright type plastic scouring pad or Elevate QuickScrubber Tool Set. No other primer liquid is permitted.
  • It is critical that the seaming surfaces are not contaminated with sand from the substrate. The use of geotextile underlay or even a 1m wide strip of black builder's plastic under the entire seam if not using underlay will prevent sand contaminants. A rigid board must be dragged along underneath during application if on soft or uneven ground to ensure a solid force can be applied to the seam with the Elevate Seam Rolling Tool. For small on-off jobs the Budget Seam Roller Tool will be sufficient.
  • A crayon mark is placed approximately 20mm out from the overlap edge. This means that the placement of the backing tape to this crayon mark will ensure that there is a minimum 5mm of exposed seam tape when the overlap is placed and rolled into position - see in the video below
  • When overlapping Seam Splice tape, Elevate Guidelines suggest the application of a Elevate QuickSeam FormFlash patch along with the use of Elevate Lap Sealant HS over the compromised overlap as may have the potential of a capillary leak - see in the video below
  • Where multiple panels of EPDM meet resulting in a tee or cross intersection of overlapping QuickSeam Splice tape, Elevate Installation Guidelines suggest the application of a Elevate QuickSeam FormFlash patch along with the use of Elevate LapSealant HS over the compromised overlap as may have the potential of a capillary leak.
(Size: 269.5 KB)
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